TractoAI is a cloud platform for deploying, scaling, and monitoring AI and Big Data workloads.

Built by developers for developers TractoAI gives AI/ML engineers, data scientists, and researchers a scalable and production ready compute backend. This means TractoAI users can get results of their projects faster without the burden of learning Slurm, Kubernetes, or other DevOps tools.

Using TractoAI you can

Run discrete workloads (eg. data processing, training, batch inference) in the cloud over a cluster of compute nodes.
Scale up to hundreds and thousands of GPU nodes right from your code. Zero ops overhead.

Using TractoAI you can

Run discrete workloads (eg. data processing, training, batch inference) in the cloud over a cluster of compute nodes.
Scale up to hundreds and thousands of GPU nodes right from your code. Zero ops overhead.

Using TractoAI you can

Run discrete workloads (eg. data processing, training, batch inference) in the cloud over a cluster of compute nodes.
Scale up to hundreds and thousands of GPU nodes right from your code. Zero ops overhead.

Using TractoAI you can

Run discrete workloads (eg. data processing, training, batch inference) in the cloud over a cluster of compute nodes.
Scale up to hundreds and thousands of GPU nodes right from your code. Zero ops overhead.

How is TractoAI different?

TractoAI runs on Nebius bare metal, cutting out typical cloud provider overhead—delivering the same performance at up to 10x lower cost than public clouds.

TractoAI is more than just raw compute infrastructure. We have built a value stack that’s more user-friendly and robust than what you’d get from public clouds, Lambda, RunPod and similar providers.

Ready-to-use infrastructure, pipelines, and example notebooks for common AI and data use cases.

TractoAI runs on Nebius bare metal, cutting out typical cloud provider overhead—delivering the same performance at up to 10x lower cost than most cloud providers.

TractoAI is more than just raw compute infrastructure. We have built a value stack that’s more user-friendly and robust than what you’d get from public clouds, Lambda, RunPod and similar providers.

Ready-to-use infrastructure, pipelines, and example notebooks for common AI and data use cases.

TractoAI pricing is tailored to both small teams and enterprise users.

TractoAI pricing is tailored to both small teams and enterprise users

On-demand scaling

Pay as you go & on-demand scaling

Pay per second or per workload instead of hourly GPU costs. Ideal when prototyping, experimenting, or running pilot projects with a limited user base.

Reserve & Storage

Guaranteed compute

Reserved compute and storage with a discount. A cost-effective option for more consistent workloads when modeling demand (inference, fine tuning, etc.) is easier.

Choose how much compute and storage to reserve with a discount and on flexible terms. A cost-effective option for consistent and predictable workloads.

Our Story

TractoAI is a cloud platform for deploying, scaling, and monitoring AI and Big Data workloads.

Launched in 2023 and backed by Nebius, a major AI cloud provider and NVIDIA strategic partner.

As a managed service TractoAI gives AI/ML engineers, data scientists, and researchers a scalable and production ready compute backend. This means TractoAI users can get results of their projects faster without the burden of learning Slurm, Kubernetes, or other DevOps tools.

TractoAI is built on top of YTsaurus, an open-source distributed storage and data processing system, proven at scale by one of Europe’s leading search engines. As such, TractoAI has unparalleled performance and scalability comfortably processing 100s of petabytes of data out of the box.

Build AI and Data applications with TractoAI